Real Estate Marketing Tips
November 30, 2023

17 Tips on How to Stage a Home Office

7 min read

In the age of remote work and home-based businesses, a home office has become more than just a luxury; it's a necessity for many. As potential buyers increasingly prioritize a functional and aesthetically pleasing workspace in their home hunt, staging a home office can significantly elevate a property's appeal.

This guide offers insights and practical advice on how to create an enticing home office space that can captivate prospective buyers and boost the value of your home.

The Significance of Staging a Home Office in Selling Your Home

In today's digital age, with remote work becoming more prevalent, a home office has become a significant selling point for potential homebuyers. Not only does it represent a dedicated space for work, but it also adds value to the property.

A well-staged home office can paint a picture of productivity, comfort, and professionalism. Buyers can easily envision themselves working there When they see a well-organized and functional office space. This creates an emotional connection and makes your property more attractive.

17 Tips on How to Stage a Home Office

17 Tips on How to Stage a Home Office - Virtual Restaging

Staging home offices effectively is pivotal in showcasing their potential to prospective buyers. These 17 essential tips will transform any workspace, ensuring it's both functional and visually appealing, making it a standout feature of any home.

1. Dedicate a Specific Space

It's essential to have a dedicated space for your home office. This allows potential buyers to see where they can set up their working space.

For example, even if it's a small nook in the living room, ensure it's presented as a clear and separate office area.


  1. Survey your home to identify potential spaces for a dedicated office.
  2. Prioritize quiet areas away from high traffic or noisy sections of the house.
  3. Use room dividers, shelves, or distinct furniture arrangements to separate the office space if it's part of a larger room.
  4. Ensure this area is solely used for work to maintain a professional feel.

2. Invest in a Quality Office Chair and Desk

The office chair and desk are central pieces in any office. Invest in a good desk chair that is both ergonomic and stylish. For instance, a modern swivel chair combined with a sleek wooden desk can leave a lasting impression.


  1. Research online or visit furniture stores to assess a range of office chairs and desks.
  2. Prioritize ergonomics and adjustability in a chair to promote comfort.
  3. Choose a desk that complements the chair in style and provides sufficient workspace.
  4. Set up the chair and desk combo in your dedicated space and adjust for optimal comfort and aesthetics.

3. Clear Clutter and Organize Office Supplies

Ensure all your office supplies have a designated storage space. Drawers, boxes, or trays can be used to store pens, notepads, and other small items. This way, the office appears tidy and organized.


  1. Begin by removing all non-essential items from your office area.
  2. Categorize office supplies and determine appropriate storage solutions for each.
  3. Utilize organizational tools like drawer dividers, pen holders, and storage boxes.
  4. Frequently used items should be easily accessible, while less-used items can be stored in drawers or cabinets.

4. Utilize Vertical and Floor Space

Think beyond the desk. Use bookshelves, vertical file organizers, or wall-mounted shelves. For example, you can use a tall bookshelf to store primary financial records or books, maximizing floor space.


  1. Evaluate the vertical space available – walls, above desks, etc.
  2. Install wall-mounted shelves or consider tall bookshelves to utilize vertical space efficiently.
  3. Store more oversized items or reference materials on these shelves, like major financial records or books.
  4. Ensure floor space remains uncluttered by regularly checking and organizing things.

5. Lighting Matters

Natural light is a premium feature. Position the desk near a window if possible. Augment this with task lighting, such as a stylish desk lamp or floor lamp, to ensure the space is well-lit even during the evenings.


  1. Analyze the natural light flow in your office space.
  2. Position the desk near windows to benefit from daylight.
  3. Add supplemental lighting with desk lamps for task-oriented activities.
  4. To avoid straining the eyes, use ambient floor lamps or wall sconces for evening work.

6. Personal Touches (in Moderation)

While you want the office to feel personal, avoid overcrowding it with family photos. Instead, add a few tasteful pieces like an elegant clock or a piece of art.


  1. Assess the existing decor and remove excessive personal items, such as many family photos.
  2. Choose two or three personal decor items that resonate with you, like a decorative clock, artwork, or a cherished memento.
  3. Place these items strategically to add character without making the space feel cluttered.
  4. Ensure the overall decor maintains a professional yet cozy ambiance.

7. Closet Doors and Storage

If your home office has a closet, ensure the doors open smoothly and are free from items behind them. Inside, use storage boxes or baskets to keep things organized.


  1. If your office space has a closet, check the functionality of the doors, ensuring they open and close smoothly.
  2. Clear items that may obstruct the doors.
  3. Inside the closet, categorize items and store them in labeled boxes or baskets.
  4. Regularly check and declutter the closet to maintain an organized look.

8. Incorporate Neutral Tones with Pops of Color

Neutral color palettes present a serene and professional look, making the space appear larger and more cohesive. However, monotony can be broken with occasional bursts of color, which inject vibrancy and character into the area.


  1. Begin by painting walls with neutral tones like whites, greys, or beiges.
  2. Choose office supplies, curtains, or rugs in brighter shades or patterns to add that pop of color.
  3. Avoid overwhelming the space; one or two colored items should suffice.
  4. Remember to coordinate the colors to maintain a harmonious look.

9. Prioritize Cable Management

In today's digital age, electronic devices are integral to any office. However, unsightly cable tangles can detract from the room's aesthetics. Effective cable management solutions create a cleaner and more organized workspace.


  1. Identify all electronic devices in your office and their associated cables.
  2. Use cable clips, sleeves, or under-desk trays to group and route cables.
  3. Consider wireless options for devices where feasible.
  4. Regularly review and declutter redundant wires or adapters.

10. Emphasize Natural Elements

Incorporating natural elements like plants, wooden furniture, or natural fiber rugs can induce a calming atmosphere, promoting productivity and well-being.


  1. Choose low-maintenance indoor plants suitable for your office's lighting conditions.
  2. Place one or two plants strategically, like on a desk or a bookshelf.
  3. Opt for wooden desks or storage solutions to add warmth to the office.
  4. Complement with natural fiber rugs or decorations.

11. Optimize Acoustics

Sound plays a significant role in a workspace. A room with proper acoustics ensures reduced noise disturbances and enhances concentration.


  1. Identify sources of external noise, like traffic or household sounds.
  2. Use curtains, rugs, or acoustic panels to absorb sound and minimize echoes.
  3. Consider room dividers with sound-absorbing properties if the office is part of a larger space.
  4. Ensure doors and windows are appropriately sealed to reduce noise infiltration further.

12. Create an Inspiration Corner

A dedicated space within the office where one can think, brainstorm, or take short breaks can be invaluable. This corner should be both functional, housing tools for ideation like whiteboards or cork boards, and relaxing, perhaps with a comfortable chair.


  1. Dedicate a small section of the office as the 'inspiration corner.'
  2. Equip this area with brainstorming tools like a whiteboard, markers, or a corkboard with pins.
  3. Add a comfortable chair or bean bag for relaxed thinking sessions.
  4. Personalize with motivational quotes, artworks, or items that spark creativity.

13. Design a Mobile Workstation

A mobile workstation provides flexibility, allowing one to move and change their working environment based on mood or need. It is beneficial for those who value changing scenery throughout the day.


  1. Choose a compact, mobile desk with wheels or invest in removable casters.
  2. Opt for wireless devices to minimize cable constraints.
  3. Designate multiple power sources or charging points in the room.
  4. Ensure the path of the mobile workstation is free from obstructions.

14. Maintain an Airy and Fresh Ambiance

Good air quality and freshness in a home office can enhance focus and reduce fatigue. The room should be devoid of stuffiness, ensuring a comfortable working environment.


  1. Ensure proper ventilation by regularly opening windows or using air purifiers.
  2. Consider incorporating fragrant indoor plants or using essential oil diffusers for a pleasant aroma.
  3. Regularly dust and clean the office space to prevent allergens.
  4. Adjust room temperature for optimal comfort, ideally between 68°F to 72°F (20°C to 22°C).

15. Install Adjustable and Modular Furniture

Furniture that can be adjusted or reconfigured offers versatility, accommodating varied tasks and ensuring maximum space efficiency.


  1. Invest in height-adjustable desks for sit-stand options.
  2. Choose modular shelves or cabinets that can be reconfigured based on storage needs.
  3. Use foldable or stackable furniture for added space when required.
  4. Ensure the furniture's adjustability mechanisms function smoothly and safely.

16. Implement a Dual Monitor Setup

A dual monitor setup enhances productivity by offering extended-screen real estate. This allows for more effortless multitasking and can be particularly appealing to professionals in fields like graphic design, programming, or finance.


  1. Assess the desk size to ensure it can accommodate two monitors.
  2. Purchase matching monitors for a cohesive look and consistent display quality.
  3. Use dual monitor stands or mounts to optimize desk space.
  4. Arrange the monitors at eye level and ensure they're calibrated for brightness and color consistency.

17. Add Textural Variety

Integrating a mix of textures adds depth and interest to the office space. Various tactile experiences can elevate the office's aesthetic appeal, from soft rug textures to sleek metal finishes.


  1. Incorporate a blend of materials in furniture – wood, metal, glass, etc.
  2. Layer with textiles like rugs curtains, or throw pillows for chairs.
  3. Use decorative items like woven baskets or metal sculptures for added textural contrast.
  4. Ensure the overall textural palette remains harmonious and complementary to the office's color scheme.

Leave A Good Impression On Homebuyers By Staging Your Home Office At Virtual Restaging

Leave A Good Impression On Homebuyers By Staging Your Home Office At Virtual Restaging - Virtual Restaging

A staged office isn't just about aesthetics, functionality, order, and appeal. Proper home office staging advice and execution can significantly boost the attractiveness of your property.

Remember, staging your home office is a crucial step in the home-selling process. A well-presented office can be the distinguishing factor that seals the deal.

In the age of virtual tours and online property listings, it's even more vital to stage your home office effectively. Virtual restaging provides potential buyers with an impeccable view of what their future home office could look like. 

Make the right impression and stand out in the digital market by ensuring your home office is perfectly staged.


How do I stage my office?

Begin by decluttering, organizing your office supplies, ensuring a dedicated space, and investing in quality office furniture like a desk and office chair. Proper lighting, both natural and artificial, like floor lamps or desk lamps, adds the finishing touch.

What makes a good home office?

A good home office should have a dedicated space, be free from distractions, have proper storage solutions, be well-lit, and be equipped with comfortable and ergonomic furniture.

How can I improve my office look?

Enhance your office's look by organizing, investing in stylish yet functional furniture, adding tasteful decor, utilizing vertical space, and ensuring it receives ample natural light.

How do I make my office look classy?

Use a neutral color palette, invest in quality furniture, avoid over-cluttering, incorporate elegant lighting fixtures, and add a few statement decor pieces.

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